How can I contact Customer Service?
Please click here to contact us.
How long has GolfLync been in business?
GolfLync was incorporated in November of 2021 in the state of Wyoming. The company’s principal office is located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
What is GolfLync’s fiscal year?
GolfLync’s fiscal year is based on the calendar year. The last day of the fiscal year is December 31.
Does GolfLync distribute dividends?
We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our common stock.
Who is GolfLync’s transfer agent? When should I contact them?
GolfLync's transfer agent is Carta, and can be reached at (855) 921-2859. Registered stockholders (including those who hold physical stock certificates) should contact Carta in the event of a name change, a change of address or if their certificate has been lost or stolen. Additionally, if a registered holder has not received notification of the availability of our annual report in advance of the Annual Meeting, Carta is the appropriate contact.
I hold my shares through a brokerage firm and I changed my address. Who should I call?
If your shares are held for you by a bank or brokerage firm, be sure to notify your bank or brokerage firm of a name or address change, or if you need a proxy statement or annual report.
Does GolfLync have corporate Governance guidelines?
To review our corporate governance guidelines and related information, please go to the Corporate Governance section of our IR website.
Where is GolfLync traded?
GolfLync is not currently publicly traded.
How can I contact GolfLync Investor Relations?
You can reach GolfLync Investor Relations via email at, or write to us at GolfLync Investor Relations, 8701 East Hartford Drive, Suite 135, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
Noah DiPasquale
CEO, GolfLync
As the founder of Epic Golf - one of the most exclusive golf communities in the world, Noah knows how to create membership and community scale with the game of golf.
Michael Quiel
President, GolfLync
Mike Quiel is a business leader with extensive knowledge in investment banking and finance, He has taken multiple companies public and has raised over $250 million in growth capital.
GolfLync Investor Relations
Mail: 8701 East Hartford Drive, Suite 135 Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
Transfer Agent - CARTA
Phone: 1-855-921-2859